He had surprised himself with the thought.Until then, he had considered the omens to be things of this world. He went over to the bakery and bought a loaf of bread, thinkingabout whether or not he should tell the baker what the old man had saidabout him. But this fear evaporates when we understandthat our life stories and the history of the world were written by the samehand.\"Sometimes, their caravan met with another. There were thousands of people there,arguing, selling, and buying; vegetables for sale amongst daggers, andcarpets displayed alongside tobacco. But that's the way life is with sheep and \"The fifth obligation of every Muslim is a pilgrimage. The Englishman had several suitcases filled with books.There was a babble of noise, and the leader had to repeat himself severaltimes for everyone to understand what he was saying.\"There are a lot of different people here, and each has his own God. \"This is an important book, but it's really irritating.\"The boy was shocked. He transformed himselfinto a stone that rolled up to the miner's foot. Themerchant was the proprietor of a dry goods shop, and he always demandedthat the sheep be sheared in his presence, so that he would not becheated. He wept because God was unfair, and because this wasthe way God repaid those who believed in their dreams.When I had my sheep, I was happy, and I made those around me happy.People saw me coming and welcomed me, he thought. But I want each and everyone of you to swear by the God you believe in that you will follow my ordersno matter what. They spent so much time close to the fire that gradually theygave up the vanities of the world. It seems old and wise.The wind never stopped, and the boy remembered the day he had sat at thefort in Tarifa with this same wind blowing in his face. Don't try to enterinto the life of the oasis,\" he said, and walked away.But the Englishman was exultant. But they really don'tknow what they're saying. But he knew that Salem wasn't in Andalusia. He realized thathe could do the same thing the old man had donesense whether a personwas near to or far from his destiny. I can't help you if you feel you've gotenough sheep.\"The boy was getting irritated. But he found it much more interesting to observe thecaravan and listen to the wind. He had already seen manypeople come and go, and the desert remained as it was. I can learn something from the desert, too. That doesn't happen to just anyone!He was planning as he left the bar. He took Urim and Thummim fromhis pocket, and began playing with them.The stranger shouted, \"Urim and Thummim!\"In a flash the boy put them back in his pocket.\"They're not for sale,\" he said.\"They're not worth much,\" the Englishman answered. Maybe it was his treasure tohave wound up in that strange land, met up with a thief, and doubled thesize of his flock without spending a cent.He was proud of himself. "I'm like everyone else-I see the world in terms of what I would like to see happen, not what actually does.". As theysat around the fire, the camel drivers exchanged information about He had never even wept in frontof his own sheep. He recognized that he was feeling something he had neverexperienced before: the desire to live in one place forever. *The horizon was tinged with red, and suddenly the sun appeared. He canceled all hiscommitments and pulled together the most important of his books, and nowhere he was, sitting inside a dusty, smelly warehouse. These are good omens.\" Sonow I'm a camel driver. The boy thanked him, ate it, and went onhis way. The Alchemist by Ben Jonson - Free Ebook. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 14 / 94\"Treasure is uncovered by the force of flowing water, and it is buried by thesame currents,\" said the old man. But, as time passes, a mysterious forcebegins to convince them that it will be impossible for them to realize theirdestiny.\"None of what the old man was saying made much sense to the boy. He was going to miss the place and all thegood things he had learned. The group was to remain there atthe oasis until the conflict between the tribes was over. They never have to make any decisions, he thought. Everything you need for every book you read. Maybe theworld had other hidden treasures, but he had a dream, and he had met witha king. The Alchemist Item Preview remove-circle Share or Embed This Item. tags: inspirational. The boypreferred wine.But he didn't need to worry about that right now. When the people saw thatstar shining in the morning sky, they knew they were on the right coursetoward water, palm trees, shelter, and other people. \"It's like the camel driver said:'Eat when it's time to eat. They came in silence and departed the sameway, dressed in black garments that showed only their eyes. The boy had noticed that the Englishman was irritable, and missed hisbooks.\"So that those who have the responsibility for understanding canunderstand,\" he said. We areobliged, at least once in our lives, to visit the holy city of Mecca.\"Mecca is a lot farther away than the Pyramids. Thatmorning he had done some calculating: if he continued to work every dayas he had been, he would need a whole year to be able to buy some sheep.\"I'd like to build a display case for the crystal,\" the boy said to themerchant. It's your mission on earth.\"\"Even when all you want to do is travel? All things are one.\"And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you toachieve it.\"They were both silent for a time, observing the plaza and the townspeople.It was the old man who spoke first.\"Why do you tend a flock of sheep?\"\"Because I like to travel.\"The old man pointed to a baker standing in his shop window at one cornerof the plaza. The problem is that they don't even realize that they're walking anew road every day. The boyprodded them, one by one, with his crook, calling each by name. In this version of the story, the goddess of the forest encounters the lake in which Narcissus drowned. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 33 / 94He waited patiently for the merchant to awaken and open the shop. He was at home with the silence of the desert, andhe was content just to look at the trees. Theywere conversing in Arabic, and the boy was proud of himself for being ableto do so. The boy knew what he was about to describe,though: the mysterious chain that links one thing to another, the same chainthat had caused him to become a shepherd, that had caused his recurringdream, that had brought him to a city near Africa, to find a king, and to berobbed in order to meet a crystal merchant, andThe closer one gets to realizing his destiny, the more that destiny becomeshis true reason for being, thought the boy.The caravan moved toward the east. She hada vessel on her shoulder, and her head was covered by a veil, but her face. \"I know other girls in other places.\"But in his heart he knew that it did matter. With a movement that was too quick for someone his age, the mancovered whatever it was with his cape. Full Book Summary. \"I promised that I would make my own decisions,\" he said tohimself.But the stones had told him that the old man was still with him, and thatmade him feel more confident. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist. As he read on, an old man sat down at his side andtried to strike up a conversation.\"What are they doing?\" the old man asked, pointing at the people in theplaza.\"Working,\" the boy answered dryly, making it look as if he wanted toconcentrate on his reading.Actually, he was thinking about shearing his sheep in front of themerchant's daughter, so that she could see that he was someone who wascapable of doing difficult things. He had helped him out in a dangeroussituation. There are thousands of kilometers ofdesert between here and there.\"There was a moment of silence so profound that it seemed the city was Santiago is a humble shepherd whose desires are . pdf | Brahim EL FEZZAZI - Academia.edu Download Free PDF The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. Then he realized that he had been distracted for a few moments,looking at the sword. They discovered that the purification ofthe metals had led to a purification of themselves.\"The boy thought about the crystal merchant. They climb themountain to see the castle, and they wind up thinking that the past wasbetter than what we have now. \"They wanted me to be apriest, but I decided to become a shepherd.\"\"Much better,\" said the old man. \"They're just a pile of stones. They were on the right track.Finally, a young woman approached who was not dressed in black. Ifinally have enough money, and all the time I need. Download The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho Book PDF. \"In school.\"\"Well, if you know how to read, why are you just a shepherd?\"The boy mumbled an answer that allowed him to avoid responding to herquestion. The treasure is at thePyramids; that you already knew. What he needed to do wasreview all he had learned over the years, because the alchemist wouldcertainly put him to the test.The young Arab took out a book and began to read. Just as you knowthat you're not going to buy your sheep.\"\"Who told you that?\" asked the boy, startled.\"Maktub\" said the old crystal merchant.And he gave the boy his blessing. \"The shepherd said nothing. The boy offered his bottle, hoping that the old man wouldleave him alone.But the old man wanted to talk, and he asked the boy what book he wasreading. He had had the same dreamthat night as a week ago, and once again he had awakened before it ended.He arose and, taking up his crook, began to awaken the sheep that stillslept. He had been in the same place for thirty years: a shop atthe top of a hilly street where few customers passed. Although his new worldat the moment was just an empty marketplace, he had already seen it whenit was teeming with life, and he would never forget it. I have to find a man who knows thatuniversal language. During the dream, a child tells him to seek treasure at the foot of the Egyptian pyramids. He could sell the stones and buy a return ticket. So, he asked if the old man'sblessing was still with him.He took out one of the stones. Only when he consents.\"Wait for the end of the war. I know its dimensions andhow it behaves. Melchizedek, the king ofSalem, sat on the wall of the fort that afternoon, and felt the levanterblowing in his face. I thought that everything Iowned would be destroyed.\"The land was ruined, and I had to find some other way to earn a living. If the sand was too finefor the animals' hooves, they sought a way where the sand was moresubstantial. That's what helpsme face these days that are all the same, these mute crystals on theshelves, and lunch and dinner at that same horrible caf? 2 of 25. The only thing he had noticed was that talk ofwar was becoming more and more frequent. Theshop is exactly the size I always wanted it to be. It wasn't exactly that they were secrets; God revealed his secretseasily to all his creatures.He had only one explanation for this fact: things have to be transmitted this He was thinking about omens, and someone hadappeared.\"How come you speak Spanish?\" he asked. In half an hour, he had cleaned all the glasses in the window, and,as he was doing so, two customers had entered the shop and bought somecrystal.When he had completed the cleaning, he asked the man for something toeat. It was only theEnglishman who was unaware of all this; he was, for the most part,immersed in reading his books.The boy, too, had his book, and he had tried to read it during the first fewdays of the journey. \"How many sheep do youhave?\"\"Enough,\" said the boy. He got up to pay the bill, but the owner grabbed himand began to speak to him in an angry stream of words. He had unraveled the truths behindimportant questions, but his studies had taken him to a point beyond whichhe could not seem to go. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 44 / 94The book that most interested the boy told the stories of the famousalchemists. He said that he had always dreamed of being a shepherd, andthat it was a good omen.\"\"That's the way it always is,\" said the old man. The Alchemist Summary Next Prologue In the Prologue, the alchemist reads a story about Narcissus a youth so fascinated by his own beautiful reflection that he falls into a lake and drowns. But that disaster taught me to understand the wordof Allah: people need not fear the unknown if they are capable of achievingwhat they need and want.\"We are afraid of losing what we have, whether it's our life or ourpossessions and property. I understand sheep;they're no longer a problem, and they can be good friends. The boy noticed that the man's clothing was strange. Butthe king of Salem hoped desperately that the boy would be successful.It's too bad that he's quickly going to forget my name, he thought. And move along when it's time to move along.' There had been a time when he thought that his sheep couldteach him everything he needed to know about the world. \"Why are you telling me all this?\"\"Because you are trying to realize your destiny. . \"I have to go and gather my sheep andget going.\"\"Give me one-tenth of your sheep,\" said the old man, \"and I'll tell you howto find the hidden treasure.\"The boy remembered his dream, and suddenly everything was clear to him.The old woman hadn't charged him anything, but the old manmaybe hewas her husbandwas going to find a way to get much more money inexchange for information about something that didn't even exist. They provided warnings aboutthieves and barbarian tribes. Although the boy had developed a superstition that each time heopened the book he would learn something important, he decided it was anunnecessary burden.He became friendly with the camel driver who traveled alongside him. \"Alchemy is a serious discipline. And no onewas going to climb the hill just to browse through a few small shops.But the crystal merchant had no choice. It was as if the world hadfallen silent because the boy's soul had. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 25 / 94He was learning a lot of new things. He decided to stay right there and await his return.As he waited, a priest climbed to the top of a nearby tower and began hischant; everyone in the market fell to their knees, touched their foreheads tothe ground, and took up the chant. *Two more months passed, and the shelf brought many customers into thecrystal shop. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 31 / 94The merchant put some new coals in the hookah, and inhaled deeply.\"I've had this shop for thirty years. \"I'll work all night, untildawn, and I'll clean every piece of crystal in your shop. And he hadn't perceived them because he had becomeaccustomed to them. But that's the way it is.\"The boy reminded the old man that he had said something about hiddentreasure. But the boy never took his eye off hisnew friend. He had understood the story the old king hadtold him. Then he asked that everyone, including his own sentinels, handover their arms to the men appointed by the tribal chieftains.\"Those are the rules of war,\" the leader explained. That'swhy I have to live off what my daughters provide me with.\"\"And what if I never get to Egypt?\"\"Then I don't get paid. And better still to be alone with one's The room'sfurnishings consisted of a table, an image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus,and two chairs.The woman sat down, and told him to be seated as well. He was going to be able to save thelittle money he had because of a dream about hidden treasure!\"Well, interpret the dream,\" he said.\"First, swear to me. Theold man wore a breastplate of heavy gold, covered with precious stones.The boy recalled the brilliance he had noticed on the previous day.He really was a king! Once again he saw that, in that strange land, he was applying thesame lessons he had learned with his sheep.\"All things are one,\" the old man had said. But shehadn't charged him anything.\"In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. The boyand the Englishman had bought camels, and climbed uncertainly onto theirbacks. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 37 / 94scene that began the book. Heneeded someone to talk to so as to avoid thinking about the possibility ofwar.\"I learned that the world has a soul, and that whoever understands that soulcan also understand the language of things. He always enjoyed seeing the happiness that the travelersexperienced when, after weeks of yellow sand and blue sky, they first sawthe green of the date palms. The boy, accustomed to recognizing omens, spoke to the merchant.\"Let's sell tea to the people who climb the hill.\"\"Lots of places sell tea around here,\" the merchant said.\"But we could sell tea in crystal glasses. Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist page 17. Paulo Coelho - The Alchemist Page 42 / 94windstorms, and told stories about the desert.At other times, mysterious, hooded men would appear; they were Bedouinswho did surveillance along the caravan route. Sometimes he would comment tothem on the things he had seen in the villages they passed.But for the past few days he had spoken to them about only one thing: thegirl, the daughter of a merchant who lived in the village they would reach inabout four days. \"Let's go and have some lunch,\" said the crystal merchant.He put a sign on the door, and they went to a small caf?nearby. But let's say that the most important is that you have His newfriend pushed the owner aside, and pulled the boy outside with him. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happyman. All they ever do, really, islook for food and water. The old man had said to ask very clear questions, and to dothat, the boy had to know what he wanted. For nearly a year, he had beenworking incessantly, thinking only of putting aside enough money so that hecould return to Spain with pride.\"Never stop dreaming,\" the old king had said. Dusk was falling as the boy arrived with hisherd at an abandoned church. The nearby city of Ceuta hadgrown faster than Tangier, and business had fallen off. \"I can interpret it, butthe interpretation is very difficult. But I had to insist on the payment of sixsheep because I helped you to make your decision.\"The boy put the stones in his pouch. He called to the boy, andthey took a walk along the dunes surrounding the encampment. They were people of the desert, and clamoredto hear his stories about the great cities.The boy told them about his life as a shepherd, and was about to tell themof his experiences at the crystal shop when the Englishman came into thetent.\"I've been looking for you all morning,\" he said, as he led the boy outside. He realized: If I can learn to understand this languagewithout words, I can learn to understand the world.Relaxed and unhurried, he resolved that he would walk through the narrowstreets of Tangier. He had spent enormous amounts of timeat the great libraries of the world, and had purchased all the rarest and mostimportant volumes on alchemy. The wise man conversed with everyone, andthe boy had to wait for two hours before it was his turn to be given theman's attention.\"The wise man listened attentively to the boy's explanation of why he hadcome, but told him that he didn't have time just then to explain the secret ofhappiness. = CONTENTS = Part One Part Two EpiloguePART ONEThe boy's name was Santiago. People continued to comeand go from the baker's shop. Full text of "The Alchemist" When you want something with all your heart, that'swhen you are closest to the Soul of the World. He said that for the past fewdays he had been paying attention to how the caravan operated, but that hehadn't learned anything new. The boy swore to Jesus Christ. The merchants were assembling theirstalls, and the boy helped a candy seller to do his. The silence was the worst aspect of the night, when the meregroan of a camelwhich before had been nothing but the groan of acamelnow frightened everyone, because it might signal a raid.The camel driver, though, seemed not to be very concerned with the threatof war.\"I'm alive,\" he said to the boy, as they ate a bunch of dates one night, withno fires and no moon. \"I've been trying for two years to read this book,and I never get past these first few pages.\" Even without a king to providean interruption, he was unable to concentrate.He still had some doubts about the decision he had made. But there was one idea thatseemed to repeat itself throughout all the books: all things are themanifestation of one thing only.In one of the books he learned that the most important text in the literatureof alchemy contained only a few lines, and had been inscribed on thesurface of an emerald.\"It's the Emerald Tablet,\" said the Englishman, proud that he might teachsomething to the boy.\"Well, then, why do we need all these books?\" the boy asked.\"So that we can understand those few lines,\" the Englishman answered,without appearing really to believe what he had said. You'll see that there is life in the desert, that there are stars in theheavens, and that tribesmen fight because they are part of the human race.Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the momentwe're living right now.\"Two nights later, as he was getting ready to bed down, the boy looked forthe star they followed every night. He didn't need to seek out the oldwoman for this! They traveled, spoke withwise men, performed miracles for the incredulous, and owned thePhilosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life.But when the boy wanted to learn how to achieve the Master Work, hebecame completely lost. \"The religion hereforbids it.\"The boy told him then that he needed to get to the Pyramids. If he were to tire of the Andalusianfields, he could sell his sheep and go to sea. They were solitary individualswho no longer believed in things, and didn't understand that shepherdsbecome attached to their sheep. Sometimes it's better to leave things as they are, he thought tohimself, and decided to say nothing. But I'm afraid that it would all be a disappointment, so I preferjust to dream about it.\"That day, the merchant gave the boy permission to build the display. He hadexchanged six sheep for two precious stones that had been taken from agold breastplate. He went downthe stairs and found the merchant waiting on a foreign couple, while twoother customers walked about the shop, drinking tea from crystal glasses. He owned a jacket, a book thathe could trade for another, and a flock of sheep. He seemed unfriendly, andhad looked irritated when the boy had entered. \"Ineed you to help me find out where the alchemist lives.\"First, they tried to find him on their own. Video An illustration of an audio speaker. The Alchemist (Portuguese: O Alquimista) is a novel by Brazilian author Paulo Coelho that was first published in 1988. That morning he had knowneverything that was going to happen to him as he walked through thefamiliar fields. But if he speaks in the language of the soul,it is only you who can understand. '' Why are you telling me all this? \ '' I 'll clean every piece of crystal in shop. Boy thought about the crystal merchant had no choice '' \ '' it 's the! Been distracted for a few moments, looking at the trees the is. 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