", He loves, we see, to couple with the relationship to himself what was related to them. Nothing but the righteousness that was of God as its source satisfied him. And now he would have them looking to Christ, that no damp should gather round their hearts from anything that might befall him, that nothing which happened, whether to themselves, to other saints, or even to the apostle, should interfere for a moment with their unclouded and abounding confidence in the Lord. (i) He sets down what we might call the indestructibility of Christian joy. The idea is that a man's Christian maturity cannot go beyond martyrdom. In every town and in every city and in every country there were Jews. He is not condemning Judaism from the outside. Their affections were right. He puts it as a matter left for him to judge of and decide by Christ. A prisoner he was; and such is all that Scripture tells about him there. It is his state and experience every day, as to which his hope was that in nothing he should be ashamed; "but that with all boldness, as always, so now also Christ. You see, someone else already tried that and it just doesn't work." You see for yourself whether the meaning is really there. As the Christian has died with Christ, been buried with Him, been raised with Him, and now walks with Him, he will also be glorified together with Him. (i) He was a Hebrew born of Hebrew parents. Do with them as you will, they still defy you But if you will hand over the conflict to Jesus, He will subdue them; He will bring them under his strong, subjecting hand. 10-11 I gave up all that inferior stuff so I could know Christ personally, experience his resurrection power, be a partner in his suffering, and go all the way with him to death itself. All who believe shall surely shine in His glory; and the universal creation, which, belonging to Him as His inheritance, He will share with His own, shall be reconciled and delivered in due time. Furthermore the resurrection he said he hoped to attain was still future whereas he had already experienced spiritual resurrection with Christ to newness of life (Romans 6:1-11; Galatians 2:20). We now heard what the apostle renounced; let us now see what he laid hold on, and resolved to cleave to, namely, Christ and heaven. Let this be your mind, let's walk by these rules. So, then, Paul is saying, "I found the Law and all its ways of no more use than the refuse thrown on the garbage heap to help me to get into a right relationship with God. For unto you it is given in the behalf of Christ, not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for his sake." He means the Lord, really, personally, at hand; as he had said in the end of the last chapter, that this was what we look for. It may be remarked here, that from an expression often misunderstood in Philippians 2:1-30 it might seem as if the apostle wished somehow to weaken their confidence. How rich and full he was of the goodness of the God he had proved so long and could recommend so well! They had separated themselves off from all common life and from all common tasks in order to make it the one aim of their lives to keep every smallest detail of the Law. After being here near three weeks, one morning about three o'clock Mr. Wesley turned over, and, finding me awake, clapped me on the side, saying: 'Brother Nelson, let us be of good cheer: I have one whole side yet, for the skin is off but on one side!'" WebPhil 3:12-14 (NIV) These verses flashed through my mind last night as I watched the intense focus of an Olympic competitor in the downhill slalom race compete for the gold. Thus we know how on approaching Rome Paul was lifted up and comforted, as he saw those who came to greet him. And having determined then what is right and what is wrong, I may then seek to always do that which is right. True experience is still the great theme which the apostle has in hand here as well as in his own personal history. The following cookies are also needed - You can choose if you want to allow them: You can read about our cookies and privacy settings in detail on our Privacy Policy Page. In Philippians 3:1-21 it is not the display of intrinsic affection in Christ, or the gracious dispositions of Christ in the saints. Not the passive side of the Christian as being in the world, but the active comes before us. He was born and circumcised a Jew and trained to be a zealous law-abiding Pharisee, but he found that trying to do good by keeping laws could not make the guilty sinner acceptable to God. Paul said, "No, I came out of that. Robert Wilkin, the writer quoted above, later changed his view and adopted the "spiritual resurrection view. There is nothing so high as that which we all have been made in our blessed Lord. That he might be conformable unto him, and this also is meant of his sanctification. Thus he anticipates the removal of the last trace of the first Adam; he looks for our being brought fully, even as to the body, into the likeness of the Second Man, the last Adam. In 1756 a letter came to John Wesley from a father who had a prodigal son. But now the apostle was shut out from every labour apparently. Whatever he needed, love is never itself but in unselfish action and suffering. When it is used of Christians, it often means baptized persons who are full members of the Church, as opposed to those who are still under instruction. But if a man is to be in special relationship with God, something far more is needed than a mark in his body. "Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and bore Cain" ( Genesis 4:1). It is called the resurrection of the just, and the resurrection of life (John 5:29), and they are counted worthy to obtain that world and the resurrection from the dead,Luke 20:35. Such a Jew would speak the language of the country in which he lived but also the Hebrew which was his ancestral language. He is exalting Christ. Paul had certain people that seemed to follow him wherever he went, trying to pervert that which he taught of the grace of God, especially the Jewish legalizers who sought to bring the people back to a legal relationship with God, putting them under the law. 3:10-11 My object is to know him, and I mean by that, to know the power of his Resurrection, and the fellowship of his sufferings, while I continue to be made like him in his death, if by any chance I may attain to the resurrection of the dead. We can only guess who they may have been. Who they were is not certain. He was for a considerable time a prisoner. In 48 B.C. The author of Exalting Jesus in Luke is Thabiti M. Anyabwile Philippians - Ryan Kelly 2014-07-31 The book of Philippians challenges Christians to remember their true identity as citizens of Gods kingdom, especially when faced with difficult circumstances and painful trials. Their very name means The Separated Ones. "For they all seek their own." That was a common name by which the Jews referred to the Gentiles: the gentile dogs. In Him, we, know, who was the perfect model in the same warfare, which He fought single-handed, conquering for God's glory and for us, the prince of this world came, and had nothing in Him, absolutely nothing. I can't get over that. As far as the righteousness of the scribes and Pharisees, Paul had it. Hence he calls upon them, as one that could not be with them to help them in the conflict, to work out their own salvation. But it gives us also the effect of Christ in the saints eventually of Paul himself, of Timothy, of Epaphroditus, and indeed of the Philippian saints. Hence the conflict is never with internal evil, but rather with Satan. Christ was so truly before his heart, that in fact there was no self left unjudged to warp the choice. You know, oftentimes it is extremely difficult to rejoice in circumstances. To the confession of His Lordship is added "to the glory of God the Father." Because I may blow my horn and shake my fist, but the Spirit will say, "Hey, don't you remember you have got a fish emblem on the back of your car? The apostle had his heart upon Christ as his righteousness. A man must always have a care that he is not himself guilty of the sins of which he accuses others. I am forestalling the plan of God. Let me think of myself as one that is serving Him (oh, how feebly and failingly!) Jeremiah speaks of the uncircumcised ear, the ear that will not hear the word of God ( Jeremiah 6:10). So that you could share with Him the eternal glories of His kingdom. Let all of you who have graduated in the school of Christ have the same attitude of mind to life. The resurrected life always follows the crucified life. WebPhilippians 2:1-5. If by any means: The expression "If by any means" or "If in some way" seems to hint at doubt or uncertainty in Pauls mind that he would take part in the resurrection. They regarded circumcision in itself as being enough to set them apart specially for God. The question is at once settled as a matter of faith. WebPhilippians 2:1-5. I found it no better than skubala ( G4657) ." And then he uses a contrasting Greek word, and it is a play on Greek words. They were bonds in Christ; how then could he be impatient under them? "Rejoice in the Lord alway." No, the righteousness which I depend upon is that which is through the faith of Christ, not a legal, but evangelical righteousness: The righteousness which is of God by faith, ordained and appointed of God." Wednesday of Fifth Sunday in Lent Our Savior/Redeemer Pettibone/Woodworth, ND: Wed, Mar 31, 2004 cold and nakednessbesides the other things, what comes upon me daily: my deep concern for all the churches" (2 Cor. Philippians 3:1114: Can I Really Have Assurance? This is lost in the idea of labouring in it. Now we all know that when a man is carried on the top of the wave, when the winds fill the sails and all goes prosperously, when hearts are gladdened in sorrow, when one witnesses the joy of fresh deliverance from day to day, it is a comparatively easy thing. This place throughout is one of promoting, enlarging, deepening, and purifying the experience of the saints themselves in that which filled his own heart with joy in the Lord. (i) We worship in the Spirit of God; or, we worship God in the Spirit. v. There is a significant contrast between the citizens of earth as described in Philippians 3:18-19 and the citizens of heaven as described in Philippians 3:20-21. b. No wonder the apostle was grieved to think of differences among such women as these. There will be a resurrection of the unjust, who shall arise to shame and everlasting contempt; and our care must be to escape that: but the joyful and glorious resurrection of saints is called the resurrection, kat exochen--by eminence, because it is in virtue of Christ's resurrection, as their head and first-fruits; whereas the wicked shall rise only by the power of Christ, as their judge. Yes, the power of the resurrection, but you know, you can never know the power of the resurrection until you have, first of all, know the cross. Their mind isn't after the Spirit and after the things of the Spirit, they are more concerned and interested in the types of cars they drive and the things of the flesh and the earthly things, than they are the things of the Spirit. Word Format PDF Format. There is no doubt that Paul is here speaking to the antinomians. So it was right for him to anticipate good and not evil, not as in the authorized version and other translations, because "I have you in my heart," which would be no ground of assurance for them, but because "ye have me in your heart," which showed their spiritual feelings to be true and sound. Codd. i. In rich measure did the apostle live thus himself it was the one thing he did; and he would have the saints to be living in it too. The basic thought of this passage is the uselessness of Law and the sufficiency of knowing Christ and accepting the offer of God's grace. All of this background that put me in a high standing as far as the law is concerned I counted loss for Christ. He desired not anything for himself, but only what should abound to their account in the day of Jesus Christ. Its basis is that the Christian lives for ever in the presence of Jesus Christ. "This shall turn," says he, "to my salvation through your prayers, and the supply of the Spirit of Jesus Christ." What are you going to do when you pass the guy?" I. When first he tasted it, he found it so sweet that he cared for none other. "Finally," says he, "my brethren, rejoice in the Lord. After all it was better for Christ to choose, not for him. In fact, he had gone beyond. The word concision comes from a Greek word, which means mutilators. Then he found himself a dead man condemned and powerless. 1Pe 5:4, "a crown of glory that fadeth not away." ( 1 Samuel 24:14, compare 2 Kings 8:13; Psalms 22:16; Psalms 22:20). We shall see the importance of this elsewhere. (iii) We place no confidence in merely human things. That is what is important. It is not meant that there are no difficulties, but that Christ makes the burden light and all happy to the praise of God's grace; whereas any other means or measure detracts from His glory and draws attention to self. It was this which Paul sought - this for which he strove - this that was so bright an object in his eye that it was to be secured at any sacrifice. Like any good teacher, Paul was never afraid of repetition. You listen to John Piper. 3:1 As for what remains, my brothers, rejoice in the Lord. "Therefore," says he, though I am in a strait betwixt two," as he had said before, "having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; which is far better: nevertheless to abide in the flesh is more needful for you. "You know, it is what I used to be, what I used to do. You may be perfectly sure of an answer when you make known your requests: therefore let it be with thanksgiving. "The noun translated resurrection is an unusual double compound word used only here in the New Testament. And, therefore, even in circumstances where joy would seem to be impossible and there seem to be nothing but pain and discomfort, Christian joy remains, because not all the threats and terrors and discomforts of life can separate the Christian from the love of God in Christ Jesus his Lord ( Romans 8:35-39). It is still going on. There are a lot of people running the race just to say, "Well, I ran in the race." The Lord is at hand." He was so loyal a Jew that he had never lost the Hebrew speech; he was not only a religious Jew, he was a member of their strictest and the most self-disciplined sect; he had had in his heart a burning zeal for what he had thought was the cause of God; and he had a record in Judaism in which no man could mark a fault. What a word, and how calculated to make us ashamed! But Paul the apostle said, "Look, I don't consider that I have attained; I don't look at myself as being perfect, the work of the Lord is not yet complete in me.". Thus the degree to which we are faithful to use our talents, treasures, gifts, abilities, resources, and opportunities in life to please Him is the degree to which we will obtain this out-resurrection abundance of life." Superficially this verse seems to suggest that Paul had some doubt about the certainty of his resurrection. So he could settle now about his life and death. Now, Paul recognized something that is very important for all of us to recognize who have been apprehended by Jesus Christ. being made conformable unto his death; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the dead ( Philippians 3:10-11 ). Many different commentaries state that of all the groups that Paul wrote to, Phillipi was probably the best of them all. It was surely the best that she could do. Thus the two things are repeated the past judgment and the present power: "and do count them but dung, that I may, win Christ." Indeed that which had drawn out the epistle was the proof that the trying circumstances of the apostle had but called out their affections. If then, matter is essentially evil, the body is essentially evil and will remain evil whatever you do with it. Circumcised the eighth day, of the stock of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of the Hebrews; as touching the law, a Pharisee; concerning zeal, persecuting the church; touching the righteousness which is in the law, blameless." When God does not interpose, men are apt to allow reflections and reasonings. It had been the commandment of God to Abraham: "He that is eight days old shall be circumcised among you" ( Genesis 17:12); and that commandment had been repeated as a permanent law of Israel ( Leviticus 12:3). Paul describes his impressive They may have been Gnostics. The expression intimates that we have need to strive for him and after him, and that all is little enough to win him. (ii) To that end Paul says two things. There is not even the allowance of the possibility of their turning aside from the bright career both of possessing a Saviour they knew, and of enjoying Him increasingly. But so it is; and thus the food of faith becomes the poison of unbelief. And so looking back to the past, oftentimes, we look at our failures and we are discouraged from trying to go on. 26 December 2021 AM Philippians 3:13-14 Scott Childs. This disperses all clouds from the soul. Not so Paul. And they were a sort of a hated animal. But the day is coming when every knee shall bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth." Elsewhere it is God's or divine righteousness. If you read any Greek, you can pick up on the play on words. Death ; if by any means I might attain unto the resurrection of the goodness of the country in he... 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